List of Tamil words in Guarani language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Guarani language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Guaraní is a South American language that belongs to the Tupi–Guarani family of the Tupian languages. It is one of the official languages of Paraguay (along with Spanish), where it is spoken by the majority of the population, and where half of the rural population is monolingual. It is spoken by communities in neighbouring countries, including parts of north-eastern Argentina, south-eastern Bolivia and southwestern Brazil, and is a second official language of the Argentine province of Corrientes since 2004; it is also an official language of Mercosur.
Guaraní is one of the most widely spoken American languages and remains commonly used among the Paraguayan people and neighbouring communities. This is unique among American languages; language shift towards European colonial languages (in this case, the other official language of Spanish) has otherwise been a nearly universal phenomenon in the Western Hemisphere, but Paraguayans have maintained their traditional language while also adopting Spanish.

Clues to read Guarani words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’= ‘k’.
Add /change vowels then and there.
Letter ‘m’ and ‘n’ can be added or deleted.
letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted/ added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once it has to be read only once.
Ref- Guarani Concise Dictionary – A. Scott Britton
English- Guarani- Tamil
1.stubborn- akahata- kattukku adankka
* have fever- akanundu – kaainthida
*3.lump- akandu – kanndu
4.comb of the bird- akayvoty- konndai
* /unripe- aky- kaai
*6.tumour- akyta- katti
*7.knot- akyta- kattu
8.piece- akyta- kanndi
*9.wart- akyta- kathu
*10.then- aiporo- appuram
11.careful -ake- kavanam
* /warm- aku- akki / heat; kaaya / warm.
*13.dead/ extinct- amyryi- maraiya /dead/ disappear
14.true- anete- unmai yanathu
15.fake /false- anete- poeiyaanathu
*16.recollection/ remembrance- anga- ninaikka /to remember
* ange- innaikku die- angakyi- mankka
*19.hug / to embrace- anua- anai
20.suit- ao kate- koadi / cloth; kuttai- cloth.
21.rag- ao soro- seerai/ cloth iron- aokyty- thuni thaeikka; letters are in reversed order; thuni- cloth; thaeikka- to press. bind- apakua- pinaikka
* pound- apatuka- podikka
*25.strike- apatuka- adikka; thaakku ;poattu thakku. crush- apatuka- idikka; thaeikka.
27.nearby- apete- otti
28.tangled- apokyta- sikkida
29.time- ara- naeram
30.tie/ bond - apyti- paththam
31.union- apyti – ottu; pootchchi.
32.middle- apytere- maiyaththir
33.edge- apyra- oaaram
*34.end- apyra- poorai
*35.rice- arro –arisi; ari.
*36.above/ up- ari -uyarae
*37.noon-asaje- uchchai
*38.sad- aturu- thuyaram
39.temple of the head- aty- pottu
40.whip- chikote- saattai kuchchi; letters are jumbled. perish- chivu- saava / die
*42.small/ little- chui -sinna
*43.fear- chuchu- achcham
44.fried- chyryry- pori /to fry
45.pantaloons- chula- seelai /cloth
*46. noise/sound - gualala-- kalan ;koochchal ;kali/ sound ; kuyil /sound
* sing- guaho- akavu
48.large- erado- periyathu walk /step - guata- adi edukka ; letters are jumbled.
50.path- guataha-kadavu; ka= va; va= ka; kathi; kada = to cross /to pass
* vomit- guee- kakka
*52.ox - guei - koa chat- guerere- kooru / tell
54.bubble/ water- guilili-kumil
*55.bird- guyra- kuri ee.
* bird- guyrau- karun-k -kuruvi ; karu-black.
*57.when- hape- eppo tear- hary – keeru -letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
59.solid/ hard- hata- ketti ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
60.intense/ violently - hota - kadumai ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
61.quickly- hoto – kada kada nnu ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’; sattunnu; pattunnu . burn- hovere- eri
*63.flour- huiti- idi reach /obtain- hupyty- adaiya
65.flower- ipoty – poo mottu; yaedu; thoadu. jagua- kukkan; yekinan . do- japo- sei hold- jatyka- pidikka nail- jatyka- adikka strike- jatyka- adikka; thaakka. pound- jatyka- idikka ; podikka . bury- jatyka- puthaikka dig- jatyka- thoanduka set- jatyka- pathikka knead- jatyka- pisainthiduka
* die- jejuka- saaka
*86.residence- jeikoha- saaikai
87.injury /wound- jekutu- kaayam adaiya /to get wounded; kaayam- wound; adaiya- to have.
*88.stab- jekutu- kuththu ; kththi kuththu; kaththi- knife .
*89.injection- jekutu –uoosi kuththu ; uoosi- injection /needle; kuththu- to inject.
90.puncture- jekutu – kuththu study- jetypeka- padikka; letters are jumbled. be searched- jetypeka – thaedi paakka
* kill- juka- saaikka
94.dream- ke-kanaa
95.saliva- juruaysy-
96.armpit- jyvaguy- kakkam
97.dried- ka- kaaintha
*98. bone- ka- akku
99.lie- kaati –ittu kattu /to fabricate
*100.nipple- kamapua- kaamppu ; konkkai kaammpu; konkkai- breast ; kaammpu- nipple.
101.vegetable- kaa- kaai
102.forest- kaaguy- kaa; kaan; kaanakam .
103.stew- kaary –kary/ curry
104.ability- katu- kattu mattu; kai midukku; yoakkiyathai; kathi; sakthi [Skt].
105.often- katui- adikkadi; letters are jumbled.
*106.short- koli- kullam
*107.jail- kotyhu-kottadi
108.goat- kavara- kaaraadu ; kori /sheep .
109.sacred- karai- kari inmai ; karai- dirt; inmai- without .
110.under/ beneath- karape- keer puram ; letters are jumbled.
111.tongue- ku- naakku know- kuaa- kaana
113.wound- kuare- kaayam ura. to get wounded. kaayam- wound.
*114.woman- kuna- kanni; kanikai.
115.concubine- kuna- kanikai/ prostitute
116.young lady- kunati- kaanthai/ woman
*117.file /note- kuatia- kattu
*118.letter- kuatia-kaditham write- kuatia – theettuka ; letters are jumbled .
120.penis- kuaruha- aan kuri ;aan- male; kuri- symbol .
*121.thigh- kuarto- kar thodai; kaar- leg; thodai- thigh.
* cut- kyti- kathu;vettu; ka= va; va= ka.
*123.small /tiny - kytomi- kutti
* kyvy- kakkaiyan kyvo- inkkae
Monday- Lune [ Sp. Lunes] –nila naal; nila- moon; naal-day.
*126.already- mandi- mundiyae
127.pure /holy- maraney-maru inmai ; maasu maru inmai . meet- mboat- paaththidu join- mboat- pinaiththidu delay- mbotakykue- thaamathamaakku ; letters are jumbled. tear- mbotiri- peiththar close/ cover- mboty –mood/ cover; moodi poadu; moodi- lid; poadu- put. flower- mboyvoty- poo pooththida ; poo- flower; pooththida- to flower. meet- mbyaty- paaththidu mena –inam; letters are in reversed order.
* get married- menda- mananthidu marry- momenda- mananithidu
*138.married- mendare- mananthiduthar / to marry
139.father -in-law of a woman- menaru –maamanar
* dress- monde- mundu uduththu; mundu- cloth; uduththu- to dress. soak- myaky-mukki nanaikka
*142.calm- mytue- amaithi nr- naarankkai; naara- smell.
*144.noise- ndu-nodi
* ne-nee
* yearn for- ngau-yaenkku
* recall- ngau-ninaikka
148. truly- niko-unmaiyaaka remove- nohe- neekku ; letter ‘h’ is read ‘k’ and not as ‘a’. chew- na minduu- mennidu
*151.our- nanemba- numba tie / link- napyti- pinaiththidu ; letters are jumbled.
153.chest- nea- nenju whisper- neeguyguy - munu munukka
155.poem- neepoty – paattu /song
156.agreement- ne peti – udan paadu; letters are jumbled.
157.thought /opinion – neimoa- ennam braid- nope-pinnu; letters are in reversed order.
* plant- noty – nadu
160. home- ogapy- akam
161.rural- okara- uoorakam ; letters are in reversed order; kirama; kurichchi .
*162.godfather- paino- appan /father/ lord
163.yours- pende- unnuthu
164. to peel- piro- uri
165. to tear- piro- aru
*166.blister – pirua- pori / rash/ eruption
*167.palm tree- pindo – panai thadi ; panai- palm ;thadi- tree/wood.
168.pretty- pora-porppu
169.ghost- pora-paei uru /fairy
170.better- porave-paravaai illai
171.coitus- poreno-punaru smile- pukavy-punnakai / smile laugh- puk-nakaikka
* defecate- poti- pei poaeidu ;pei- shit; poaeidu- to pass.
175.flower- poty-poo mottu
*176.bloom- potyjera-pooththiduthar
* leave- pykui-poaka
* pass away/ to die- pytupa-poaida
179.small- ray-siriya
* be frightened- pytaryryi- peethi adaithar
*181.sole of the foot- pypyte- paatha adi; adi paatham. secrete- reo-sura rera- peyar
184. to receive- roguahe-peruka
185. peak- rua-uyaram /height
186.woman’s older sister- ryke- periya akka; periya- big; akka- elder sister.’s older brother- rykey- periya kaakkaiyyan; periya- big; kaakkiyyan- elder brother.
*188.sleep- sayku-saaika /repose
*189.mother- sy- aachchi
*190.pale- sake- soakai drink- syryku-paruku
192.semen- tayi-thanni /water
193.father- taita- thathai; thanthai.
*194.grandfather- taita- thaaththa
195. great -grandfather- taitachu-thaaththa udaiya achchan ;thaaththa- grandfather ;achchan- father.
196.path- tape- paathai; letters are in reversed order; thadam .
* attack- taky-thaakku ;adikka .
197.vagina- tako-koothi; letters are in reversed order.
* tata-thee; letter ‘t’ is read only once.
*199.hearth- tataypy-aduppu die- teo-madiya ;seiththida; mudiya .
* teach- tavyo-oaathuvi
* teka-thaeduka
* tembiu- uoottam
* temimee- thaayam; moothu; letters are in reversed order; thaanam .
*205.loom - tera- thari
*206.satisfaction- tenyhe-thaniya
207.reverse- terekua- thiruppuka
208.curtain- tero- thirai nation- teta-naadu;thinai .
*210.body- tete-thadi
211.penis- tete apyra- periya thadi/ big stick; periya- big; thadi- stick
212.dead body- tetekue- kattai; letters are in reversed order.
213.thigh- tetyma-thodai
214.constipation- tipaa- adaippu/ block
*215.aunt- tia [ Sp- tia] – aththai
216.uncle -tio [ Sp- tio] – aththaan
217.cold/ illness- tapa- thanuppu
*218.break- tiri- udaithar
* rock- torore- aattuthar
220.sting- tu- theendu
221.summit- tua- mudi
*222.tail- tuguai- thoakai jump- tutu- thaandu
224.urine-ty – thanni
225.rupture- tyekuse- udaivu; ka= va; va= ka; pottikka. drip- tyky- sottuka sweep- typei- thudai
* beat- tytyi -adiththidu; thattu.
*229.heart beat- tytyi- thudippu; ithaiya thudippu; ithayam- heart; thudiththida/ throbbing. palpitate- tytyi- thudithhida; thiduthiduththida .
231.burial- tyvy-puthai /bury
* shake- tyvyro-aattuthar ;asaiththar .
233.appetite- use- pasi
*234.a well- ykua yvu-koovam
235.seashell- yta- oaadu /shell yvaga-vaanakam
* yvotyty- thodu
238.cave- yvykua- kukai
* saw/ wood- yuyra kyti – kattai yaei aru ; kattai- wood; aru -to cut.
240.abdomen- tye-thonthi
*241.arrive- guahe-yaeka
242.bag- pykua – kai paei / hand bag; kai- hand; paei- bag.
243.bard – etiguara-paadukiravar ; ka= va; va= ka; paattu- song; padu- to sing.
244.blouse- typoi-uduppu/ dress
245.boy child- mita-mainthan
246.bottom- tevi- adi
247.corner- mbohugua- mukku
*248.crack- tiri –udaithar jeroky- kai murai; letters are in reversed order. ara- naar
*251.dress- monde-mundu; root word is moodu- to cover.
*252.give- kuapyti-kodu
253.head- aka-kam
254.home- oga- akam
255.howl- guahu -koovuka/ shout; ka= va ;va= ka.
256.large- rusu- perisu
*256.remedy- myatyro-mattru
*257.lady- kunakarai- kanikayar /women / plural
*258.hole- juru-suri-
259.latrine- jekakaha-kakkoosu; letters are in reversed order; kakka-shit.
260.mature- tyaro-muththuthar
261.stop – pyta- thadu /to stop; thadai poadu.
*262.northern- yvatevogua-vadakku /north
263.ripening- tyaro-muththuthar
264.tolerable- jerahakuaava-porukkavae /to tolerate tetama-naththam /village
*266.united- jer- seara /to unite
267.useful- purura-payan ura
268.vertigo- guyry- kirakkam
*269.violate- momara-meeru pora-paarvai
271. north-yvate- vada
273.dwarf- jaryi-siriya